Access routes will be created for cycling, walking, fishing, bird spotting as well as for site maintenance vehicles
Bedford River Valley Park will cover a huge area (over 800 hectares). Much is within the River Great Ouse flood plain and has been affected by mineral workings for many years. The A421, a major trunk road, passes through its centre. These factors add up to a landscape that at once has great potential and many constraints.
There is space for both quiet and more noisy recreation as well as secluded areas that can be enjoyed by people and wildlife. Lake swimming, live music and places to eat are real possibilities along with excellent facilities for walking and riding.
The BRVP Framework document, published in 2008 lays out in very broad terms how the Park could develop in the future and is the reference document to which all partners look to when delivering projects within BRVP.
Download the document (17.5Mb) by clicking here and the accompanying map (5.5Mb) by clicking here (Adobe Acrobat Reader required)