Got your coloured pencils at the ready? Why not print these drawings of animals that once lived in BRVP (and some that still do) and do a bit of colouring.
- Newnham Priory’s monks had the right to fish
in Bedford Castle waters. Here are some of the fish they might have caught and eaten
- Mammoths roamed the area of BRVP during the last
Ice Age, until c.12,000 years ago
- Families foraged for plants, fished the rivers and hunted game such as red
- Aurochs were huge, wild cattle, now extinct, that once roamed the area
- Iron Age sheep
- Otter
- Mesolithic hunters, about 9,000 years ago, lived and hunted in B
- A Neolithic toolmaker attaches a handle to her flint axe, perhaps 5,000 years ago
- An Iron Age farmer; pigs were an important part of a farm’s livestock
- Underneath Priory Lake were
once the remains of a Roman-style bath house. Here a Roman, cleanses in an old-fashioned way
- Medieval monks ate plenty of
- Boat crew on the River Great Ouse – Fen Lighters carried cargo to and from Bedford
- Willington station in the 1950s. The railway opened in 1862 and was closed in 1968